Showing 201 - 225 of 335 Results
Adam und Eva in der Bildenden Kunst Bis Michel Angelo by Buttner, Frans ISBN: 9781162353326 List Price: $31.95
Alquanti Cenni Intorno Alla Vita Di Michele Colombo by Pezzana, Angelo ISBN: 9781162449838 List Price: $31.95
I Presupposti Del Diritto Penale Classico by Vaccaro, Michele Angelo ISBN: 9781162484242 List Price: $30.95
Midsummer of Italian Art : Containing an Examination of the Works of Michel Angelo, Leonardo... by Stearns, Frank Preston ISBN: 9781112516122 List Price: $26.99
Sixty Outlines from the Principal Works of Michel Angelo Buonarotti, in Sculpture, Painting,... by Michelangelo Buonarroti, 14... ISBN: 9781340219550 List Price: $23.95
Midsummer of Italian Art : Containing an Examination of the Works of Fra Angelico, Michel An... by Stearns, Frank Preston ISBN: 9781346991795 List Price: $27.95
Late Years of Michel Angelo by Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold ISBN: 9781347123669 List Price: $21.95
Late Years of Michel Angelo by Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold ISBN: 9781347151600 List Price: $21.95
Raphael Sanzio and Michel-Angelo Buonarroti : Burlington Fine Arts Club Catalogue. 1870 by Burlington Fine Arts Club ISBN: 9781347843116 List Price: $21.95
Forza e Coraggio : I Miei Anni Da Guardia Del Duce Ad Angelo Del Fango e Del Mare by Podest�, Bruno, Podesta, Br... ISBN: 9788856301892
Life of Michel Angelo, Volume 2 by Grimm, Herman Friedrich, Bu... ISBN: 9781345272352 List Price: $31.95
Life of Michel Angelo Buonarroti by Duppa, Richard ISBN: 9781346464732 List Price: $29.95
Midsummer of Italian Art : Containing an Examination of the Works of Michel Angelo, Leonardo... by Stearns, Frank Preston ISBN: 9781346517452 List Price: $27.95
Adam und Eva in der Bildenden Kunst Bis Michel Angelo Von Dr. Frans Buettner - Primary Sourc... by Franz Friedrich Ernst B�ttn... ISBN: 9781294544395 List Price: $18.75
Lettre Sur l'Interpretation des Hieroglyphes Egyptien : Adressee a M. Prisse d'Avennes ... .... by Lanci, Michele Angelo, D'Av... ISBN: 9781293918975 List Price: $24.75
Life of Michel Angelo, Volume 1 by Grimm, Herman Friedrich, Bu... ISBN: 9781345046717 List Price: $32.95
Art of Michel' Angelo Buonarroti : As Illustrated by the Various Collections in the British ... by Fagan, Louis, Museum, British ISBN: 9781346628837 List Price: $24.95
Critical Account of the Drawings by Michel Angelo and Raffaello in the University Galleries,... by John Charles Robinson (Sir ) ISBN: 9781347957240 List Price: $27.95
Michel Angelo Buonarroti, Sculptor, Painter, Architect: The Story of His Life and Labors (Cl... by Black, Charles Christopher,... ISBN: 9781330077238 List Price: $13.57
Late Years of Michel Angelo by Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhol... ISBN: 9781374120662 List Price: $21.95
Lettre Sur l'Interpretation des Hieroglyphes Egyptien : Adressee a M. Prisse D'Avennes ... by Lanci, Michele Angelo 1779-... ISBN: 9781374260825 List Price: $24.95
Elementa Matheseos Ad Usum Studiosae Juventutis Elucubrata a P. Michaele Angelo Bonotto Ex O... by Bonotto, Michele Angelo ISBN: 9780260836489 List Price: $28.85
Von Michel Angelo Buonarroti Eigenhandig Geschriebene Augentractat (XVI. Jahrhundert) (Class... by Buonarroti, Michel Angelo ISBN: 9780331710809 List Price: $24.45
Elementa Matheseos Ad Usum Studiosae Juventutis Elucubrata a P. Michaele Angelo Bonotto Ex O... by Bonotto, Michele Angelo ISBN: 9780260293213 List Price: $11.57
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